Rocky Mountain partners with ENDVR

We are happy to announce that ENDVR has been chosen to be Rocky Mountain’s partner for sales associate training and incentivization across North America.

With a home office in our backyard here in Quebec, and a development centre located at the heart of mountain biking in Vancouver’s North Shore, Rocky Mountain has been an innovator in the bike space since 1981. And now as the first bike brand to jump on ENDVR, they continue to innovate in how they support their retail partners and the hardworking employees on the front line.

“Rocky Mountain’s goal is to keep the brand experience for customers and consumers consistently high across the board. What other way to do that than to communicate with those who represent us on the floor. With over 800 dealers in North America consistency is key.

ENDVR is providing a platform to do exactly that – be it through learning missions or contests. Being able to communicate directly with dealer staff is a game-changer! Everything is comprehensive and facilitated through the ENDVR team.” says Elisabeth Petersilie, Marketing Coordinator at Rocky Mountain Bikes.

With ENDVR’s versatile app, Rocky Mountain can now educate and motivate frontline sales teams on an ongoing basis through incentivized training and contests, boosting sales, and improving in-store customer experience.

“Working with the ENDVR team has been a great experience. From the initial onboarding process through help training staff, making the app accessible for all of our reps in the field up to optimizing reporting – ENDVR has been extremely helpful and always super quick to respond.”

Why brands and retailers are embracing ENDVR

Rocky Mountain joins other leading brands, including Burton, Oakley, Nixon, Salomon, Giro, Smith and many more who’ve embraced the power of ENDVR to improve training and communication with frontline sales teams, and help drive sell-through on the store floor.

Find out how ENDVR can help you:


Enjoy easier and more consistent communication with the frontline.

  • Simplify your sales contests, and drive sales on the store floor.

  • Get real-time data to help support your retailers to sell even more.

  • Streamline your training, reward staff with pro-deal pricing for learning.

  • Get the ‘dream trifecta’ of an educated employee who knows your product, a brand ambassador on the store floor, and a new high-margin sales channel.

Book a meeting and be engaging with retail employees in a flash!


  • ENDVR allows all your vendors to centralize education in one convenient place for your employees, and update it on a regular basis.

  • ENDVR flips your cost model for training up-side down. Your vendors will reward your employees for learning about their products, and for driving sales on the store floor (cash rewards, shop employee discounts and more)

  • ENDVR allows YOU to see all the data yourself. Identifying the stores & employees who are the most educated & best engaged, and those who need more support.

  • ENDVR is FREE for you to use, requires no IT integration, and you can be up & running today.

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