Burton and SPY’s Winning Moves in the Wholesale Game

The resurgence of wholesale channels has been embraced by leading brands like Burton and SPY as they enhance their presence in this rapidly evolving sector. Previously, we discussed the reasons behind brands reinvesting in wholesale, highlighting the dual benefits of increased consumer engagement and a more pronounced brand presence in physical retail environments. Now, let’s delve deeper into how your brand can effectively leverage digital tools to make strategic moves in the wholesale landscape, setting new standards for driving sales.

The Strategic Advantage of Wholesale and Digital Integration:

In a marketplace where consumer behaviors are constantly shifting, many leading brands have discovered significant revenue boosts from wholesale channels when enhanced with digital tools. This unique opportunity allows brands to extend their reach and impact dramatically. By integrating digital tools, such as retail sales enablement platforms like ENDVR, brands can create tactile experiences in physical stores that forge deeper customer connections—experiences that are difficult to replicate online.

Empowering Frontline Staff with Digital Tools:

Both Burton and SPY have revolutionized their engagement strategies with retail staff by utilizing tools like ENDVR. These platforms equip staff with the necessary knowledge and incentives to deliver personalized customer experiences effectively. Reflecting on the shift to digital, Nathan Benson from Burton shares the transformative impact of the tool:

Triple Engagement and See Sales Soar:

Digital tools bridge the gap between online efficiency and in-store personalization. “Engagement was through the roof!” says Benson:

See how your brand’s sales can skyrocket with this 2-minute video.

Wholesale Channels: Thriving Through Digital Strategies:

Wholesale channels are not just surviving; they are thriving by adopting digital strategies that enhance brand presence and deepen customer engagement. Burton and SPY are at the forefront, transforming wholesale into a dynamic, interactive channel that effectively complements their online strategies. Curious about dramatically increasing your brand’s wholesale sales? Watch this 2-minute video now to see how platforms like ENDVR can take your brand’s in-store impact to new heights and drive significant sales growth.


This integration of digital tools in wholesale strategies is not just about maintaining relevance but about setting the pace for future growth in retail.

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