Invite Retail Partners for Better Campaigns!

ENDVR is excited to announce a game-changing feature that promises to transform your engagement with Retail partners like never before! As part of our ongoing commitment to improve your experience, we have developed a convenient way for you to invite Retailers directly from your Brand Dashboard🚀

Why is this feature so important?

At ENDVR, we understand the crucial role that Retail partners play in your brand’s success. And inviting them to join ENDVR not only strengthens your brand’s relationship with them but also creates a win-win-win situation, when Store Managers, Owners, and Buyers you work with can discover all the benefits of the app and encourage more Sales Associates in their organization to join the platform and increase the engagement on it.

How does it work?

It’s simple! Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. 📩Log into your Brand Dashboard: Just click on the “Invite Retailers” button to get started.

  2. 📑 Upload Your Retailer List: You can upload an XLS file containing your retailer contacts. Don’t worry, we’ve made it easy for you by providing a downloadable template.

  3. 💌 Preview the Email: Before sending the invites, you’ll have the chance to preview the email that will be sent to your Retailers. This way, you can ensure that the message is just right.

  4. 📬 Email with CC: The invitation will be sent via, and you’ll be CC’d in the email, so you’re always in the loop.

What Do Retailers Receive?

Your Retail partners will receive a compelling email that explains the benefits of joining ENDVR. The email includes:

  1. 📲 A direct link to download the ENDVR Mobile App.

  2. 🤳 A poster featuring a QR code that they can use in their stores or share with their network.

  3. 🔗 A link to our website, where they can learn more about ENDVR.

By connecting seamlessly with Store Managers, Owners, and buyers, this powerful new feature on ENDVR will help you engage your Retail partners, acquire customers and drive sales in your largest sales channel. Give it a try today and experience the difference! If you’re curious about our previous product updates, you can find them in our comprehensive guide “ENDVR’s Product Updates [Summer 2023]”. Stay tuned for more innovations designed to enhance your experience, and thank you for being part of the ENDVR community. Together, we’ll continue to elevate the world of retail partnerships and campaign success!

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