ENDVR Privacy Policy

Version 2.0 posted and effective as of Oct 1st, 2024
Hello there! This Privacy Policy contains information about how NewKnow Inc. (doing business as ENDVR) (“we”, “us”, and “our”) processes your Personal Data when you’re:

  • navigating our public website https://www.endvr.io/(the “Website”);
  • using our web application (the ‘’WebApp’’);
  • using our mobile application (the “App”); and
  • exchanging with us by e-mail, social media or otherwise.

In this Privacy Policy, we will use the term “Services” to refer to all of the above, and where there is no distinction to make between the different aspect of the Services.

It’s important for us that you trust how we handle your personal data when you use our Services. This is why this Privacy Policy provides you with the information that you need to understand how we process and secure your personal data when you use the Services. We used a question and answer format so that you can navigate this Privacy Policy easily. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us, we are here to help!

This Privacy Policy doesn’t extend to websites, mobile applications or other services of third parties, nor does it apply to any processing of your personal data by brand partners. Brand partners are responsible for providing you with their own privacy policies on how they handle your personal data. We are therefore not responsible for their privacy policies, procedures and practices, and we encourage you to review their privacy policies before using these external services or before completing brand partners’ missions within our Services, as applicable. Specifically, regarding brand partners, please see section 6 to learn more about what information we share with them, our relationship with them as well as their and our respective roles relative to the handling of your personal data.

Our Services are targeted for individuals that are older than 17 years old, and we don’t willingly collect personal data of individuals under 17 years old. If you’re under 17 years old, please don’t use our Services.

1. How can I contact you?

The Services are branded as “ENDVR.io” and are offered by us, NewKnow Inc. If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, how we handle your personal data or if you want to exercise your privacy rights, you can contact us by e-mail at: privacy@mynewknow.com, or by mail:

Privacy Officer

NewKnow Inc.

5524 Saint-Patrick, Suite 325

Montreal, Quebec

H4E 1A8


We also have a live chat available as part of our Services. You can contact us at any time via our live chat for general questions, but it’s better to send your privacy rights requests through e‑mails. Only our employees in charge of responding to privacy requests have access to the e‑mail privacy@mynewknow.com.

2. What do we mean by “personal data”?

The word data means stored information, signs or indications, and the word personal means that the identification of an individual is possibly based on the available data. Data is considered personal if it allows us to identify you, directly or indirectly.

Personal data includes online identifiers, such as your IP addresses, location data, identification data, such as your name, mobile phone numbers and e-mail address. This Privacy Policy provides you with more information on how we process your personal data.

Different jurisdictions may have different legal definition(s) of what constitutes personal data. We use a large definition for this Privacy Policy so that we can provide you with as much information as possible, but it’s possible that the personal data covered in this Privacy Policy is not protected by your local laws.

3. What do you mean by “cookies”?

Cookies are little data files installed on your device (a computer, tablet or mobile for instance) to fulfil several purposes. In this Privacy Policy, when we use the term cookies, we also imply similar tracking technologies such as tracking pixels (or pixels tags), web beacons and browser fingerprinting.

Cookies can be installed by us, in which case, they are called “first party cookies”. They can also be installed by third parties, such as Google Analytics, these are called “third party cookies” and result in the sharing of your personal data, such as IP addresses, with these third parties.

4. What personal data do you collect about me, and why?

We collect your personal data to offer our Services, such as to create accounts, conduct marketing activities on our Website, offer support, respond to inquiries and send you communications. We use different legal bases to justify our processing of your personal data, such as consent, the performance of a contract and our legitimate interests. These legal bases may not be valid under all jurisdictions and are indicative. Each time consent is the legal basis, you can withdraw your consent at any time. See section 12 to learn how to withdraw your consent.

We obtain your personal data directly from you, as part of automatic data collection on your devices, as based on cookies. In some cases, we can also obtain information from third parties.

  • Registration Data; Credentials 

We collect your full name and e-mail address when you register as a user on our App or WebApp. Our users can, if they wish to, upload a picture from their mobile device. We will also request that you create a password so you can connect securely to your account. You can change your registration data and credentials directly within the Services. We collect such data based on consent.

  • Identification Data 

To provide you with the missions in the App, you must register with a store, or add your store by registering it. By doing so, we will process the location and name of your work place, as well as those of your colleagues who are using the App. You may have to provide us with additional information if you work in a chain of stores, such as the store location or name. Some brands may already be associated with your store, or you can manually add those that you sell at your store. We collect this information based on your consent, such as requests to follow the brands that you sell at your store. Brands decide on their own if they want to authorize and target missions to your location.

  • User Activity Data (In-App Missions)

We collect data on the missions that you accept, complete and don’t complete, on the rewards that you earned and redeemed, and on how you interact with brand partners. Some of our missions include surveys. When you respond to a survey, we collect your responses as well as the time of the response and the reward earned. Missions and surveys are initiated by brand partners, or by us.

Certain missions may require that you share pictures, including pictures of invoices which can contain personal data about you, such as your name. Other missions may include requirements to post on social media, in which case, our brand partners may have access to such social media data through the Services or incidentally (for instance, if you use a specific hash tag and your post is public). We process such data based on consent.

Your personal data may also be included in leaderboards and similar contests. Brand partners have the opportunity to define their parameters for each mission.

You don’t have the obligation to complete any mission.

  • Payment Data; Reward Data; Transaction History

App users can exchange the rewards they earn against cash or brand partners’ products. Brand partners offer these products within our App. If the product is discounted and the user must pay the difference, payment card data (including billing address and phone number) will also be collected by Shopify, which hosts our ecommerce functionalities. To deliver these products, we will also request your shipping address and we will provide such information to brand partners. We have access to your transaction history, and to data on the rewards that you redeem. We process such data based on consent.

You can also redeem any monetary rewards you may earn on the App by cashing out. Depending on where you’re located, you may have different options for cashing out, such as through e-Interac transfers, PayPal or Venmo. Regardless of the method that you select for cashing out, we don’t have access to your banking information. We only request your cash out e-mail address or, if you’re using Venmo, your phone number.

  • Communication Data (Support, Social Media, E-mails, etc.)

If you inquire about our Services by e-mail, social media or otherwise, if you interact with us through our live chat or if you request support from us, we will process the personal data required to respond to your inquiries, including any attachments and content you include. On social media, we will have access to your publicly available information when you interact with us. We process such personal data as well. We process such personal data based on consent, as required to respond to such inquiries.

  • Referral Code

When you subscribe to our App, you’re provided with a unique referral code associated with your account. When you share the referral code with third parties and they subscribe using your personal code and complete their first approved mission, you can earn a reward. To offer this reward, we need to track the users that have subscribed with your unique referral code. We do so based on consent and legitimate interests as part of our direct marketing strategy.

  • Business Communication; Consent Preferences

We collect electronic information (such as cookies) in order to remember your consent preferences, including for privacy purposes. We also collect your e-mail address in order to send you important information, such as updates to our Terms of Use or maintenance notifications. We do so based on legitimate interests and to comply with our legal obligations.

  • Analytics and Performance Data; Electronic Data

Our Services automatically collect personal data about your devices, such as the browser that you’re using. We also collect analytics and performance data such as how long you spend on a page and what functionalities are popular. We do so through cookies. More information about cookies is found in section 5.

  • Marketing Communications; Newsletters; Push Notifications

With your consent, we will use your e-mail address to provide you with promotional content. If you’re an App user and you consent, we also send push notifications regarding in-app activities. To do so, we process electronic data about your device.

5. What cookies do you collect, and why?

We collect essential, performance and functional cookies. These are installed by us and third parties. We install essential cookies based on our legitimate interests, as it’s required to provide you with the Services. However, we only install performance, functional and targeting cookies based on your consent. You can also check the section 10 to learn how to manage your preferences regarding cookies.

Type of Cookie Description
Essential These cookies are required for the Service to function as intended and be secured. For instance, essential cookies are used to ensure the functionality of a change from http to https, or to remember your cookie preference if you’re prompted to accept or refuse certain cookies. We aren’t required to obtain your consent for these cookies.
Performance These cookies are used to monitor usage and performance, and are also called analytic cookie. For instance, we use Google Analytics’ cookies to obtain aggregated data about our Website visitors.
Functional These cookies are used to provide you with certain features and functionalities on our Services.

6. To whom do you disclose my personal data to?

Let’s be clear, we don’t sell your personal data to third parties without your consent. Ultimately, our Services are designed to enable you to be rewarded for sharing your insightful information and participating in targeted brand missions during your usage of the App.

We disclose your personal data as part of our Services, such as to brand partners or to your co-workers, to our service providers, or as part of our marketing strategy on our Website.

  • Brand Partners

When users complete missions and redeem their reward in our App, all such information is made available to the relevant brand partners. For instance, if you complete a mission associated with a brand partner, this brand partner will see the time and date of completion, any pictures and other files associated with the mission, any other information you share regarding or in response to the mission (such as response to survey), your name, the picture you updated, your store location, your e-mail and your employer. Brand partners can use that information to create reports and business intelligence.

If you order products from brand partners, they will also have access to your shipping address. Brand partners validate whether or not they approve the completion of your missions through our WebApp (or they can mandate us to do so on their behalf). You can select which brand partners you want to work with through the App. If you decide to unfollow a brand partner, you will no longer receive missions from that brand, even if your colleagues in the store continue to receive missions from this brand.

It’s important for us to let you know that brand partners aren’t our suppliers; they’re distinct controllers of your personal data and may process and otherwise handle your personal data as they deem fit. Each brand partner is responsible for the following as it relates to your personal data once it’s processed by them:

  • providing you with their own privacy policy and missions in order to inform you on how they process and otherwise handle your personal data while it’s under their custody and control, and to ensure that such policy complies with applicable laws (we recommend that you verify these policies carefully, as we don’t verify nor control how brand partners process or otherwise handle your personal data outside of our Services));
  • securing your personal data on their IT systems to ensure that it’s adequately protected while it’s under their custody and control;
  • notifying you and relevant authorities of any security breach or unauthorized access involving your personal data and resulting directly from such brand partners’ processing of your personal data outside the scope of the Services;
  • responding to your individual privacy rights request(s) made directly to them (you may however make any request to us directly; in which case we will coordinate with each brand partner with whom you/we shared your data on your behalf);
  • ensuring that their processing of your personal data complies with applicable laws, which implies without limitation that such processing be (i) limited to what is required to achieve its purpose, (ii) subject to a lawful basis under applicable laws, and (iii) subject to data retention schedules that ensure that your personal data is securely deleted or anonymized when not required anymore for the purpose of processing;
  • ensuring, in the event where they initiate any international transfer of your personal data, that such transfer complies with applicable laws, including with regards to adequate safeguards, if applicable, ensure that any sub-processing of your personal data by their own third parties, such as their suppliers, service providers and other sub-processors, complies with the foregoing.

We do not ship products, only brand partners ship products upon our request.

If you have any concerns regarding your privacy within our Services, including as it relates to brand partners, you can contact us directly, and we are happy to be your point of contact.

  • Your Coworkers and Colleagues 

When you use our App, co-workers who work in the same store as you will be able to see your name, profile picture and, obviously, the store you work at. If any user joins your store location but doesn’t actually work at that specific store, any of the store’s coworkers can flag these users to us so that we can review if they actually work at the store.

  • Third Party Service Providers

We use third-party service providers to perform some of the Services on our behalf. For instance, we use Shopify as a platform to offer e-commerce check-out and payment features as part of the App, as well as to process your payments in the event of a purchase. You can consult Shopify’s privacy policy here. We also use a third-party solution called Intercom as part of our end-user monitoring, customer support, messaging and live chat functionality. You can consult Intercom’s privacy policy here.

Here are the various types of service providers with whom we share your personal data:

  • E-commerce and financial partners, to allow users to cash out or redeem their rewards;
  • Providers of data aggregation and analytics software services, that enable us to effectively monitor and optimize the delivery of our Services and provide useful reporting features to brand partners and their users;
  • Providers of e-mail management and distribution tools, as well as customer relationship management software;
  • Providers used for security and fraud prevention, such as to identify automated software agents that might disrupt our Services;
  • Providers of IT services, such as online cloud storage services.
  • Marketing Partners

As part of our marketing activities, we disclose your personal data to third parties that help us to do marketing, such as through Facebook Custom Audience and other third parties’ cookies.

In the event of a change of ownership, sale, merger, liquidation, reorganization or acquisition of NewKnow Inc., in whole or in part, or in the event of any other business transaction or bankruptcy, your personal data may be transferred as part of the transaction. We may also share your personal data with our affiliates and subsidiaries as required to deliver the Services effectively, such as through shared services.

We may also have to share your personal data with law enforcement and other governmental entities – but we will only do so after we have confirmed that the request is valid and legal. We won’t share more than necessary to comply, and, if we can, we will advise you before doing so.

7. Where do you store my personal data?

We store your personal data in Canada, however, our suppliers may store your personal data internationally, including in the United States.

8. How do you keep my information secure?

We have adopted reasonable security procedures to help protect against loss or theft, unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification of the Personal Data you provide to us.

Keep in mind that the Internet is not entirely safe. It’s your responsibility to keep your credentials secure, and ensure that you’re connected on a safe network.

9. How long do you retain my personal data?

We will retain your Personal Data only as long as is necessary to provide you with the Services, or for a longer period if required under applicable laws. We keep your personal data as long as you have an active account with us. If you want to delete your account, you can do so by writing to us at privacy@mynewknow.com.

We use both session and permanent cookies. More information about how to manage your cookie preferences is provided in section 10.

10. How can I control my cookie preferences?

You can instruct your browser, by changing its options, to stop accepting cookies or to prompt you before accepting a cookie from the websites you visit. If you don’t accept cookies, however, you may not be able to use all portions of the Website and/or Services. Click on your browser for more information:

11. Do I have any rights regarding my personal data?

Of course you do! However, these rights may change depending on where you’re located in the world. These rights generally include the right to access and correct your personal data, as well as the right to withdraw your consent. Some jurisdictions offer additional rights, such as the right to object to the processing of your personal data, the right to data portability and the right to restrict the processing of your personal data.

You can exercise your rights at any time by contacting us. You can also review your parameters in our Services. For instance, you can change your name, e-mail and password within the App or WebApp without involving us.

Once we receive your request, we will get back to you within 30 days. It’s possible that we can’t comply with your request, for instance, if it’s not applicable under the law. If we can’t process your request, we will provide you with explanations.

If you’re not satisfied with how we process your request, you can communicate with your local data protection authorities or privacy commissioners, and lodge a complaint. We will provide you with explanations on how to do so in our response to your request based on your location.

If you’re located in the European Union and you want to learn more about your rights, you can consult this guide published by the Information Commissioner’s Office of the United Kingdom.

When you exercise your rights, we may have to request personal data to validate your identity.

Information collected by cookies is stored in cookie files located on your device, and thus can be accessed or modified by you without involving us.

12. May I withdraw my consent?

Yes, whenever you process your personal data based on your consent, you can withdraw that consent at any time by contacting us at privacy@mynewknow.com, or by using the functionalities that we make available to you as part of the Services.

13. How do I delete my account?

Before deleting your account, please note that unfortunately, we cannot reactivate deleted accounts. In addition, if you would like to know what happens when you delete your account, such as what happens to your money and personal information, please see below

Click HERE to see What happens when I delete my account?

How to delete your account:
Step 1: Click on your profile picture
Step 2: Select “Delete Account” in your profile settings
Step 3: Click on “Delete”

If you want a more detailed step-by-step with images, click HERE and if you have any further questions, please reach out to us at support@endvr.io.

14. Can I opt-out of marketing communications and push notifications?

Yes, you can do so directly in the e-mails you receive by clicking the “unsubscribe” link. You can also contact us directly or manage your preferences within our Services where available.

If you consented to push notifications and you want to opt out, you can do so within the setting of your device.

15. Can you change this Privacy Policy?

Yes, we may need to modify this Privacy Policy to reflect new processing activities, adapt to new laws and regulations or reflect technological changes or corporate changes, such as a result of a merger and acquisition. We may also change this Privacy Policy at our sole discretion. In case of material changes, we will send an e-mail to our users. You can view the date of the latest update at the top of this page, and you can always reach out to us at privacy@mynewknow.com, should you have any question.